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السبت 21 سبتمبر 2024 | 09-20-2024

الروائي الدكتور عبد الله الطِيب يترجم ( حظ ) .. للكاتب ( السعلي )

الروائي الدكتور عبد الله الطِيب يترجم ( حظ ) .. للكاتب ( السعلي )
الشبكة الإعلامية السعودية الروائي الدكتور عبد الله الطِيب يترجم نص ( حظ ) .. للكاتب المسرحي علي الزهراني "السعلي"


Written by: Ali AlZahrani
Translated by: Abdallah Altaiyeb

Putting his laundry on the clothesline, he heard the rumble of an airplane reverberating in the sky above. Sighing deeply, he raised his head, following the airplane with his eyes. Beads of water, dripping off the washed clothes, splashed into his eyes, forcing a tear to well up and hastily roll down!

While sharply shaking out a wet garment, an insect appeared from nowhere and perched on the tip of his nose; he aggressively jerked his head to rid himself of it, but it was all in vain; what is more, the garment dropped from his hand, lying like a dead body on the rooftop!

He then tried once to pick it up, but feeling the pain in his knee from climbing the stairs before, he angrily left the garment and moved a couple of steps towards the edge. He leaned on the parapet, looking down and around reflectively, contemplating. He started taking pleasure in listening to car horns and watching their headlights knife through the night, looking like blazing embers.

His moment of pleasure was interrupted by a roaring thunder and a black cloud slowly creeping across the sky, heading towards him. The airplane was still flying overhead; he tried to steal a look at it, but he unexpectedly tripped over something. He Instinctively reached out with his hand, grabbing the clothesline to steady himself and catch his fall, but it did not hold and together they plunged off the roof to the ground!

January 2018

علي الزهراني ( السعلي )

وضع ملابسَه على حبلِ غسيله ، سَمِعَ هدير طائرة محلّقة ، رفع رأسه ، تابعها متنهدا انهمرت قطرات ماء من الحبل دفعت دمعة من عينه مهرولة ! نفض ثوبه بقوة ، هنا ظهرتْ حشرةٌ هبطت على أرنبة أنفه ، قاومها بشدة دون جدوى سقط الثوب جثة هامدة !

حاول حٓمْله مرة واحدة ، فشعر بألم في ركبته إِثْر ارتقائه سلّم الدرج ، تركه غاضبا فذهب إلى شرفة السطح ينظر متأملا !

استمتع كثيرا بسماع منبّه السيارات ،أعجبه منظر أنوارها وكأنها جمرٌ يتقدّ ، لم يقطع تلك المتعة سوى صوت الرعد والغيمة السوداء تقترب فوقه ! والطائرة لم تزلّ تُحلّق يسترق نظره إليها بقفاه ، فتعثرتْ قدماه اختطم الحبل . هوى به إلى الأرض!
